should tai chi be capitalized. Results. should tai chi be capitalized

Resultsshould tai chi be capitalized As a guideline, you should usually capitalize the first letter of religious terms when they are used as a proper noun

Residual. [noncount] : a Chinese form of exercise that uses very slow and. #7. Capitalize any word, regardless of the part of speech, if it is the first or last word of the title or subtitle or a proper name or if it follows a mark indicating a break in the title. The third word (variety) is capitalized, not italicized, and inqigong: [noun] an ancient Chinese healing art involving meditation, controlled breathing, and movement exercises. Following the first rule, capitalization rules apply to the first letter of a sentence. 1. By The Associated Press. American English. Doubtfire, Dr. Capitalize That in Title Case. g. a form of exercise, originally from China, involving slow movements of the body: 2. 21 Capitalization: the general rule/ Civil, military, religious and professional titles are capitalized when they immediately precede a personal name and are thus used as part of the name (usually replacing the title holder's first name. As an important component of traditional. One aspect that has sparked debate among professionals is whether or not mental disorders should be capitalized in written communication. As the post states, “When the appears in front of the job title, do not capitalize. There has been much discussion about whether the w in White and the b in Black should be capitalized. ), and conjunctions ( and, or, but, etc. Smaller words, such as a, an, and the are not capitalized. Use the surname on subsequent references. Several clinical trials have evaluated the effects of tai chi in people with various health conditions. Mitchell, an associate professor of English at Ohio State University who’s been working in academia since the early 2000s, has made a point to capitalize the B in recognition of an. Currently in the article it says ‘Proper names of individual martial arts should be capitalized (“Cabales Serrada Escrima”). 29. . , on, in, of, at ), and coordinating conjunctions ( and, or, but, and nor; also for, yet, and so when used as conjunctions). Capitalization 1. The chi-squared test should be particularly avoided if there are few observations (e. The meaning of CHI is the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet. and p. An individual’s Prana, or living. ) The term martial arts is not capitalized. 1. . e. According to APA Style, any part of a disease’s name, whether in its proper noun or not, is usually capitalized. While it’s unlikely that tai chi will result in serious injury, it may be associated with minor aches and pains. Learn more. However, even if we enforce that rule, we must still allow "I have 100 Australian dollars" instead of "I have 100 Australian Dollars", because what I have is 100 units of the currency, not. B Du Bois, the Black sociologist and civil-rights activist, always intentionally capitalized “Negro. But in general, the following rules apply across major style guides, including APA, MLA, and Chicago. Tai Chi is performed in a semi squat posture, and the exercise intensity can be easily adjusted by controlling the postural height. If the kinship name is being used to describe the person you are talking about, with or without that person’s name, do not capitalize it. In general, a vata-balancing approach to physical activity should be gentle, stabilizing, and guard against over-exertion. If one tries to slow the form down too much, one feels the conflict as one fights against one's own desire to move faster. Agave tequilana Weber is a variety of tequila that comes from fermented Agave plant juice from Mexico. The quality of evidence was generally. Do not. Currently in the article it says 'Proper names of individual martial arts should be capitalized ("Cabales Serrada Escrima"). ) Citation. Not open for further replies. Remember, a word can only be capitalized if it falls under the rules of capitalization in English grammar. Penang. TAI CHI definition: Tai Chi is a type of Chinese physical exercise in which you make slow , controlled. g. Phil. According to the Buddhist concept of “chi”, we live in a world that has been shaped by energy transformations. variants or less commonly t'ai chi or tai chi chuan or t'ai chi ch'uan. Both the first and last names of a person are capitalized. kung fu: [noun] any of various Chinese martial arts and related disciplines that are practiced especially for self-defense, exercise, and spiritual growth. However, you can leave small words like “a, an, of” lower case. Among the key findings, researchers discovered that longer duration and high-dose yoga intervention showed reductions in back pain while tai chi reduced acute lower back pain in males in their 20s. When speaking of the martial arts, the first word, Tai, is capitalized, while the second word, Chi, is typically lowercase. This is because chair is a common noun and does not refer to a specific item or place. Regularly practicing tai chi can result in weight loss. When writing, a general rule is that the first word should be in capital letters no matter where it falls in the sentence tenses. Rosemary V. No significant effect was seen for mobility and physical endurance. "Well, how I capitalized there should give you a pretty big hint: jazz should not be capitalized. Particles are not capitalized (even in titles: Tokyo no Monogatari) and neither are suffixes unless translated as part of a proper name (e. tai chi meaning: 1. •Capitalize all pronouns, including it, he, who, that, etc. It is widely popular in the United States and various other countries around the world. , words that refer toward a unique person, goddess, or thing, such as "God," "Bible" and the choose of books of the Bible, names to festivals like "Passover," names a people and places). When it comes to the question of directions, there's often quite a bit of confusion as to whether or not you should capitalize the directions north, south, east and west. 65) and the read-silently group (M = 2. When a. ) The term martial arts is not capitalized. #7. Simple as that! 2. Conclusions . When a colon introduces a list of things, do not capitalize the first word after the colon unless it is a proper noun. The names of planets, such as Earth, are capitalized because they are proper nouns. Proper Noun Rule #1: Names. The question of whether to capitalize “Chinese” when referring to Chinese food has been a long-standing debate among linguists and grammarians. Religions and religious movements (e. tai chi meaning: 1. Although an art with greatModule:Lang/data - Kara no Shōjo Wiki. As technology advances, so will language usage and conventions. importance in some Eastern systems of medical treatment (such as acupuncture) and of exercise or self-defense (such as tai chi) Synonyms. g. In English, capitalization is primarily needed for proper names, acronyms, and for the first letter of a sentence. Last edited: Sep 17, 2009. but what if we are talking about titles in general. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, Tai Chi can promote the circulation of Qi and blood. There is only one rule for the capitalization of “be” in the title, and it applies to all style guides, so there shouldn’t be any confusion. Some usage examples from major publications: “You drive around the neighborhood and say ‘hi’ to your friends,” she said. a form of…. San, Sama, Kun and Chan) In Japan, most of the time people call each other by their family name rather than their given names. 13 Latin Herb Names The first word (genus) is capitalized and italicized. Chuan means fist, palm or boxing. For example, if you’re writing about someone who studied biology, you would write “She earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Although each style is named after the family. Capitalize ‘sir’ when: It’s the first word of the sentence. . Some examples:Using tai Chi for exercise is an excellent way to combine physical exercise with mental clarity. So there you have it; there are only four circumstances in which you should capitalize ‘sir,’ and outside of those, you should always use a lowercase ‘sir. Để tận dụng tài sản là một phần quan trọng của kế toán tài chính hiện đại và cần thiết để điều hành một doanh nghiệp. A china tea cup is delicate, and has a matching saucer, and your dad's best china might only come out at Thanksgiving. Wu Jianquan, a famous Chinese martial arts teacher, described tai chi (Taijiquan) as follows: Various people have offered different explanations for the name Taijiquan. No, tai chi done properly should not pose any unusual risks to any of the joints of the body. Should words be capitalized for being religious terms? Not necessarily. However, if you were to use the word not as the name of a period, but to refer to the phenomenon, as in the sentences below, it shouldn’t be capitalized. According to the 55th edition of the AP stylebook, the should be capitalized in the name of a newspaper “if that is the way the publication prefers to be known” (p. Alternatives To “Side By Side” Covering the hyphenation rule is one thing, but it’s still hard to grasp when you should use hyphens for some people. A job title’s capital letters should be capitalized if it is used as a course title or as a college major, but not when it is only used as an abbreviation. Osteoporosis which is a condition that causes the bones to be weak and brittle is a common concern for older adults. Note the capitalization here of the word about. #APStyleChat We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. To summarize the advice above, we suggest: Capitalizing “North,” “South,” “East,” and “West” when they’re part of a proper noun (i. pad thai: [noun] a Thai dish consisting of rice noodles stir-fried usually with any of various additional ingredients (such as bean sprouts, peanuts, chicken, shrimp, and egg). They are common nouns, not proper nouns. e. Our house policy is to capitalize "God" when it refers to the entity worshipped by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. ) For other languages, use the same naming convention you use for the rest of the class's methods. Western here is not a common adjective (like local), but is instead what is known as a proper adjective: Names of people, organizations, countries, towns etc are "proper nouns" and need to be capitalized in English. . , “Zumba®”, not “zumba”. See: Policy for questions that are entirely answerable with a dictionary. ”. For example: In this sentence, the. The technically correct phonetic spelling of Qi Gong is actually Qì Gōng. ” The Mayo Clinic suggests that the benefits of tai chi may include:Here are the general rules for capitalizing titles and headings: Capitalize the first word and last word of a title. In fact, because tai chi is a low-impact exercise, it may be especially suitable if you’re an older adult who otherwise may not exercise. Cerutti (2007) suggested that the choice of banks to operate as locally chartered and independently capitalized subsidiaries or as branches when abroad mainly depends on the regulatory framework of the host country. Mattbball • 9 yr. Detailed information on which words should be capitalized in a title, and which should not be. As Wu Yu-Hsiang, a 19 th century Tai Chi Master, said: “your mind should be centered, like the placid cat – peaceful but able to respond instantly [this is vigilance - JPL] to the scurrying mouse” . 5 SPELLING VIETNAMESE NAMES In general, capitalize the first letter of each name and do not hyphenate the names unless it is consistent with the person’s own usage (e. Tai Chi helps reduce stress levels through meditation as it involves relaxation techniques such as counting breaths and clearing the mind. When it comes to book titles, the first and last words of a title are always capitalized. A Guide to Saving the Planet. Feng shui isn't hyphenated either. . Punctuation marks should be in the same font (including italics) as the text that precedes it. The style guide of the American Psychological Association declares, as it has for a generation: “Racial and ethnic groups are designated by proper nouns and are capitalized. A thesis is not capitalized because it will not appear professional or academically presentable. 40% to 50% alcohol (80 to 100% proof) is the alcohol content of tequila. Do not. Tai chi (also called tai chi chuan or tai ji quan) is a mind-body exercise that combines movements, meditation, and deep breathing, according to the American Tai Chi and Qigong Association (ATCQA. Rule 1: Capitalize a kinship name when it immediately precedes a personal name or is used alone, in place of a personal name. Chuan is the short form for "Chuan Fa" meaning "fist techniques. 0. The key to garnering results is consistent practice: Lam says tai chi should be practiced for at least 10 minutes per day to build a routine, but ideally people should be practicing for 20 to 30. Religions and religious movements (e. General terms like major cites (Beijing, Shanghai), major styles (Shaolin, Tai Chi) and major concepts (Kung Fu, qi) do not require Chinese characters. Wu Chi is the first standing posture before you begin the physical movement in most Tai Chi styles and forms. Capitalize proper names of systems, but not the martial art itself, such as Fut Gar, Bak Mei Pai, White Crane Kung Fu. The Choice Rests With You. ”. Another 2017 study in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation found that higher mindfulness, which tai chi helps you develop, was significantly. In fact, the reason for the difference is very simple, it is a difference in how the Chinese Characters are translated into English Letters. (Washington Times,Jul 19, 2015) Saying goodbye, Friesen relays a message to Eldredge: "Tell him I said hi and that, by the way, we still have the body. Frisco's answer is comprehensive accurate. Whether capitalized or written in lowercase, AI’s significance and transformative impact are undeniable. Kata are used by most Japanese and Okinawan martial arts, such as iaido, judo, kendo, kenpo, and karate. And, having taught Tai Chi since 1970’s myself, the bodies of students are “reworked” from being klutzs in movement to stable bodies. Music, Art, Theater, Dance, and The Arts are all capitalized when. Susan wrote with this capitalization question: "I work for a man who does. Correct: Where the Wild Things Are. In teaching a course in English, Jane Smith would capitalize English but not Jane Smith. Chiba-ken becomes. (Note: this is a change from the previous usage in. Cushioning: While Tai Chi shoes should have a flat sole, a small amount of cushioning can help absorb shock and reduce fatigue during long practice sessions. For example, if you write about the God of Christianity, you should capitalize it because it refers to a specific entity. For example, "I was late, so Coach made me run laps. Since “non-” is a prefix and cannot stand alone as a word, shouldn’t “speaking” be lowercase? Thank you for your explanation. It improves skeletal health. Capitalize the first word of a corporate name. Mental health disorders affect millions of people worldwide, yet there is often confusion on how to address them. Exceptions would be Pilates (because it's named after its developer, Joseph Pilates), and Jazzercise, because it's a brand name. Studies suggest that tai chi. Tai means supreme, grand, or great. Capitalize the short form in subsequent references: The second Series game will be played today. Likewise, middle names, nicknames, and suffixes like Jr. The study even recommended that Tai Chi should be included in rehabilitation programs. This article will explore why it is important to capitalize Muay Thai and how to do it correctly. My husband teaches martial arts, specifically T'ai Chi. The most common causes of hearing loss in adulthood include: prolonged exposure to noise, drugs, the aging process, accidents and diseases. , they don't deserve to be proper nouns, but that seems. . One study tracked changes in weight in a group of adults practicing tai chi five times a week for 45 minutes. Without a. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. , teacher or janitor), you can capitalize it, but only if it comes before the name of the person. For complex historical reasons, qigong is only now growing in popularity in the West. Many people find that Tai Chi also has spiritual benefits that include increased peace of mind and emotional. but you're right, it's only the title. Edit: The check marks in vicky's response didn't show up on my phone. “Dao” was later transcribed into the Western alphabet using a Chinese adaptation. nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prounouns, and all words of 4 letters or more) are capitalized; used for: titles of works appearing in text; titles of texts or measures; all headingsEven if you never reach that level, don’t stress. Should chief be capitalized. It is widely popular in the United States and various other countries around the world. In CMOS 8. bitcoin. . Familiarize yourself with common title capitalization rules, and it will be easier to write articles, papers, and other pieces. ) is especially important because the atmospheric kapha helps buffer vata’s delicate nature. Keep saying tai chi and qi gong the way you do, but understand that “chi” (極) from tai chi is used in Chinese to describe the. In contrast, if it were simply another name for. If you are using the word “that” in a title, it needs to be capitalized. Incorrect: a Series of Unfortunate Events. These shoes are designed to provide maximum support and comfort during high-intensity workouts or running sessions. Don't Capitalize Articles. It depends on whether they’re considered proper names. The benefits of tai chi include relieving stress, easing depression and improving balance. For example, MOD (Mother of Dragons). While there is no rule defining how you would write the name of a specific style (unless it is trademarked, or is named for a person or place, in which case it would have to be capitalized), it seems to be gernerally accepted that these should be capitalized, mostly for respect of your or other's styles. For example, church, communion, atheist, agnostic, and spirituality are not proper names because they’re not recognised entities. , no capitalization for aikido, judo, karate, kendo, etc), so unless there’s some kind of linguistic cabal taking place between publishers – and even between various English-speaking cultures – this is the rule to follow. A key takeaway is that when our joints move freely, we can work freely and to our fullest potential. ; The APA tweeted: “Remember: Capitalize and italicize the names of journals,. Smaller words, such as a, an, and the are not capitalized. Outside of Tai Chi, you should be careful to dismiss things you have no experience or understanding of, as useless. m. But where it clearly is part of a noun, such as in Kriya Yoga, the uppercase is used. Amy asked Jenny, “ Is that a daffodil in your hair?”. Methods. Tai chi is low impact and puts minimal stress on muscles and joints, making it generally safe for all ages and fitness levels. See full list on timesmojo. Tai Chi is characterized by coordinated body posture and movements, deep rhythmic breathing, and meditation (Yeung et al. On the other hand, "dad" is a common noun meaning "father" (anybody's). answered •. In that case, the person's name is capitalized, but the word for the discovery or invention is not: Think "Bunsen burner," "Haley's comet," "Alzheimer's disease," and. a form of…. 13 Latin Herb Names The first word (genus) is capitalized and italicized. • Coordination; and. ”. According to en. Words such as “pencil,” “dog,” “school,” “nation,” “planet,” “religion,” and “teacher” are all. The Godfather. These benefits include: improved balance. Capitalize and do no hyphenate names of ethnic groups. This is true regardless of what the words are or their specific parts of speech. vodka has only one type of liquor, whereas gin is distilled into five varieties. Keep saying tai chi and qi gong the way you do, but understand that “chi” (極) from tai chi is used in Chinese to describe the. g. Closed 5 years ago. 13-6. Do or practice (synonymous, in this case). Tai chi may offer one solution. " (Los Angeles Times,Jul. Martin Luther King Jr. Some imply the birthplace, birth time or natural phenomenon, like Jing (Beijing), Chen (morning), Dong (winter) and Xue (snow); Some embody the hope of virtue, like Zhong (faithful), Yi (righteous), Li (courteous) and. any that aren’t articles, conjunctions or prepositions) should be capitalised. You should only capitalize it when it is part of a proper noun. Capitalize verbs, pronouns, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. You can use the word china, with a lowercase c, to mean dishes or plates in general, although the word usually specifies a fine, high-quality kind of ceramic. ) should be capitalized. , medicines and advice on diet and exercise), adding tai chi and qigong to routine management led to improvements in peak oxygen consumption (a measure of cardiorespiratory fitness), 6-minute walking distance (a. If it isn’t, capitalize it! Do not capitalize: a, an, the, in, at, to, etc. Add comment. Tai chi, a form of martial art, is often described as the principles of yin and yang applied to the human body and an animal body. Therefore, as a proper noun, it should indeed be capitalized: Scholar ID. ,” which we would use with the person’s full name) should, therefore, be capitalized. Ex: shen men (Spirit Gate) 1. Capoeira (Portuguese pronunciation: [kapuˈe (j)ɾɐ] or [kaˈpwɐjɾɐ]) is a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics, and music. m. , I assume you are referring to Google Scholar, Google's search engine for scholarly works. How to say tai chi. Tai chi and a similar technique called qigong appear to be safe practices. Take these titles, for example: The Old Man and the Sea. This reason is enough to explain why qigong will explode in popularity. Only words that are allowed to be capitalized should be. often capitalized:. The latter also can be spelled tae-kwondo, tae kwon-do, and tae kwon do. It is simply a matter of definition. The latter also can be spelled tae-kwondo, tae kwon-do, and tae kwon do. Capitalize proper nouns and names. Michael St. However, as a tech writer, you may also encounter inventions or discoveries named after people. If you’re using it in a general sense, you can keep it lower case, like this: I’m going. Research published in the. Therefore, use. e. Use of martial arts terms as words should not be capitalized ("eskrima"). " And when I used OneLook Dictionary Search, I found six of the seven online resources. Except for Irish coffees (except Daiquiris), most alcoholic beverages are not capitalized. Preliminary scientific study reports that tai chi may help to alleviate depression, anxiety, confusion, anger, fatigue, mood disturbances and pain perception. The cool thing about learning what should and shouldn't be capitalized is that each category contains three core rules. It is only fitting, therefore that pronouns, as ‘replacements’ for some nouns, are capitalized. Tai chi was named by Wang Zongyue, a martial artist in Ming dynasty. But lowercase generic terms such as yoga, hot yoga, power step, boot camp, etc. b. They are also sometimes capitalized to refer to a specific person (e. Some conjunctions (e. Lowercase articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions, and prepositions (regardless of length). Peng – to ward offLu – rolling back or yieldingJi – squeezing or pressingAn – pushing or pressingCai – grabbing, controlling or pluckingLie – splittingZhou – using the elbowKao – bumping. often capitalized T&C. Women who are pregnant should talk with their health care providers before beginning tai chi, qigong, or any other exercise program. Capitalize the first word and the last word of the title. Results. If you count up the variations, there are at least a dozen versions in common use. Published on February 28, 2017by Sifu Anthony Korahais Look, I get it. “State” shouldn’t be capitalized when you are using it. 636. The first benefit of push hands to come to mind is a softness check to see how softly you are doing the Tai Chi form. However, there are a couple of misconceptions that can make people question if “be” should be capitalized in a title or not. The most commonly applied Tai Chi style was Yang style (92, 66. Muay Thai became. Feng shui isn't hyphenated either. "Dad" is a specific reference (when you say it you mean somebody different from when I say it), so it gets capitalized like any proper noun. This study aims to increase cardiac functional capacity using a physical exercise programs to patients with heart failure. The third word (variety) is capitalized, not italicized, and in Noun [ edit] tai chi (usually uncountable, plural tai chis) ( martial arts) A soft form of martial art developed in China . W. We calculated Cronbach’s alpha as the reliability statistic and then ran a chi-square test. Nonetheless, my point essentially stands. Capitalizing titles. And this is the case with dog breeds. 2. Ex: shen men (Spirit Gate) 1. Tai chi is an ancient practice of combining slow, deliberate movements, meditation, and breathing exercises. There are many reasons why the art of tai chi didn’t see the same boom as yoga, despite it being practiced in the US for over 50 years. Capitalize the first word of the title and (if applicable) the subtitle. Let’s not make the same mistake that we made. Many martial arts names are traditionally capitalized when they are used in a formal setting, such as when written in a book or newspaper. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to capitalize Pad Thai is up to the individual writer, as there is no definitive. Capitalize proper names of. a form of exercise, originally from China, involving slow movements of the body: 2. People’s names. Lowercase “that” as a subordinating conjunction but capitalize as a relative pronoun. ˈtī-ˈchē-chü-ˈän. " On one hand, it is often seen as a proper noun, and so it could indeed be capitalized. However, in this case, since “be” is a verb, and more. Common nouns are not capitalized unless they start a sentence. Ý nghĩa - Giải thích. It’s an art form, not a competition — so just do the best you can. The Torah is clearly capitalized, as is The Five Books of Moses. D. half way through the second month of the year, the birds began to pair. Method of valuation of fixed assets Capitalize the first letters if written in English. The fact the atoms are identical and the definition of a proper noun is: "a noun that in its primary application refers to a unique entity" could induce to think that elements may fit the definition, and so gain the privilege to be capitalized. Contents. g. Learn more. Martin Luther King Jr. Let’s take a quick look at them, one by one. Sep 17, 2009. If you’re one of those people, don’t fear! We’ve got the solution. In all other instances, it's best to lowercase titles. The health benefits of Tai Chi. 25, p < . “Tai chi is the great-grandson to qigong,” Bouguyon says. 206). The Asics Men's Athletic Shoes in Performance Black and Tai-Chi Yellow are the perfect blend of style and performance. It is therefore not chi squared, but chi-square. ”For the Tai Chi intervention groups, half of them used Chen style Tai Chi 29,32,33,35,37, 1 practiced Tai Chi yun hand 38,1 practiced Tai Chi tui shou 30. 17 Time references and historical periods and events. More precisely, the two words “tai” and “chi” mean “Supreme Ultimate,” which represents the “Cosmos” with its operating principles of yin and yang. Ex: Sun Simiao 1. 2. Capitalize Proper Nouns. the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet… See the full definition. There are five primary styles or forms of Tai Chi, which include Chen, Yang, Wu, Hao, and Sun. Improved muscle strength and definition. Hamilton. ”. If it’s not or is used as a standalone word, write it in lowercase. e. Compared to routine management alone (e. Title Case Capitalization (APA 7th) Sentence Case Capitalization (APA 7th)Capitalizing titles. The word begins a salutation in a letter. Joseph Turow, professor at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, has started a crusade to de-capitalize Internet. Always capitalize the names of people, just like you would in any document. Adjectives made from proper nouns are "proper adjectives" and also need to be capitalized. Biomechanical Aspects. Some will capitalize the first letter (Chi-squared). John. How to say tai chi. Key Questions/Scope of Project. 56th ed. He hated apartheid as a policy. Title Case Capitalization (APA 7th) Sentence Case Capitalization (APA 7th) Diseases, Disorders, Therapies, and More People’s names. There are many common parts of speech that are always capitalized in a title. Seventeen studies were on tai chi, 14 were on qigong, and 2 were on tai chi plus qigong. It may be unclear how we should understand tai chi vis-à-vis martial arts classification [2] (p. Their cousin lives just down the road from them. Not open for further replies. we should capitalize it as there is no difference in meaning to the reader': This is contrary to MOS:CAPS,. Depending on how you use it, it could be an article, conjunction, an adverb, a pronoun, or an adjective. Is MMA a martial art? MMA is not a martial. g. Capitalize each separately written word of a geographical name. So, we should be pronouncing the ‘i’ in ‘Qì’ like ‘ee. The notation of χ2 χ 2 is traditional and possibly misleading. Unfortunately the meaning of tai chi in English gets really confusing because we pronounce “chi” as in energy (qi gong) the same way we pronounce “chi” as in tai chi which actually means “ultimate. Likewise, middle names, nicknames, and suffixes like Jr. tai chi definition: 1. Analogously, fairies should be capitalized if they come from a specific land called Fairy.